Let me say this louder for those at the back:
To lose weight you need to be in a calorie deficit.
That is consuming fewer calories per day than your body uses.
Cutting carbs is one way to do this.
Cutting fats is another way.
Cutting protein is yet another.
Is cutting an entire macronutrient from your diet a good idea?
In short, no.
Your body needs all three macronutrients to function effectively. Cutting carbs out entirely from your diet will give you a large calorie deficit, but also may cause you to feel irritable and lethargic due to carbs being a key energy source for your body.
Some people prefer higher fat, lower carb diets, and that’s fine. If that works for you with no ill-effects, go for it.
Cutting them out entirely is not a good idea.
Do some people over eat carbs? Definitely. So tracking calories can be a very useful tool to track this.
A good macro percentage split for most people is 40/30/30 carbs/protein/fat.
These can all be played around with (my current one is 45/30/25) but that is down to you to figure out through trial and error.
Experiment with your diet. Find what works for you as an individual.
Keep all three in your diet. Focus on overall calorie reduction, rather than eliminating carbs entirely!
