1- Supplements are not needed when you first start
You’ll have the benefit of ‘newbie gains’ (your body adapting to what you’re doing). Supplements should only be used if you’re not getting enough of whatever it is from food anyway – protein being a prime example – hence being called a supplement. It’s there to top you up, and is not essential straight away. Focus on eating well to compliment your training.
2- Belts & straps
We’ve all seen people in the gym using things like belts and straps. But when you start out, you need to focus on form. #formovereverything Build up your strength using good technique. Only once you’ve done this for a while should you even consider using these additional tools.
3- Don’t overcomplicate your training
Write yourself a basic plan based around what you want to achieve (or find one online {or get in touch with a PT}) and just start . As I mentioned before, focus on form and get the basics down. Not doing one-legged squats on a Bosu.
4- Weightloss pills/teas/shakes etc
This could have fallen under supplements, but there are so many of these things around at the moment I felt it needed its own entry. So here we go, nice and loud for those at the back… YOU DO NOT NEED THESE THINGS & THEY DO NOT WORK Save your money, time and disappointment. Focus on consistency with a balanced diet (deficit for weightloss, surplus for gaining), and consistency with your training. These two elements will create long term changes and habits, not quick fixes.
5- Pace yourself
Don’t try and keep up with people who have been training a lot longer than you. You’re just starting out, don’t put additional pressure on yourself to try and keep up with the dude/dudette who’s benching 150kg. Start light, get the form right, and the weight will progressively go up.
Consistency is your friend.
6- Don’t be intimidated
Everyone in the gym started from scratch.
Every single person.
Chances are, they’ll be so engrossed in whatever they’re doing, they’re not even going to notice you, let alone judge you. So don’t be intimidated by the other people there.
And remember, they were once where you are now. And if you stick at it for a few months, you’ll be one of those people too!