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Why you shouldn't rely on motivation

Writer's picture: Jeff Beck PTJeff Beck PT

Whenever a potential new client gets in touch, I always arrange a consultation with them. This is mainly so we can meet and have a chat about what they would like to achieve in detail, and see if we're a good fit for working with each other. (Get in touch if you would like to arrange yours!)

Every one of those clients has been motivated into making a change. That's why they got in touch with me, and sometimes one of the reasons they would like a trainer is to 'keep them motivated'.

I've got some bad news for you though: motivation doesn't last.

Motivation is a wonderful thing, and when it's there it can help you make some great progress.

But motivation is easy to rely on because it requires no concentrated effort to get. It comes to you - you don't even have to chase after it. The first few weeks of a new program are filled with motivation because it's all new and exciting, and you usually see some significant changes in yourself during that time.

After a while though, this wears off. Old habits start to creep back in and before you know it, you've undone all your hard work from that initial period.

So, what can you do about this?

F*ck motivation.

The real question isn't how to keep yourself motivated, it's how to train yourself to work without it.⁠ What I try and do with clients as soon as possible is get them building some simple, important and relevant habits into their lives to help with their goals. Successfully doing this during the early phases of a program really help once the motivation has worn off, as the new habits have already taken hold, reducing the chances of drifting back to old ones.

Here's five tips to help you stay on track:

1) Remember why you started

You started on your fitness journey, no matter what your end goal is, for a reason. Keep circling back to this reason. Write it down and put reminders up around your house and on your phone. You started because of this, so it should be important enough to help you focus when things get tough.

2) Get organised

One of the simplest things to do to keep on track is organise yourself a bit better. Want to train before going home after work? Change into your workout clothes before leaving the office. Know you're going to be late home tomorrow night? Prep your dinner in advance so it's easy to have when you get home.

3) Ask for help

This can be from a coach, a friend, family doesn't matter. If you struggle to go to the gym alone, ask a friend to go with you. Some people prefer training with other people, and it adds to your accountability if you're potentially 'letting someone down' if you don't go!

4) Eat right and drink water

Fruits, vegetables and water. Plenty of all of these things will help you feel soooo much better in every aspect of your life! Try it and see for yourself, you won't regret it!

5) Be kind to yourself

Change takes time. You didn't gain the 2 stone you wish to lose overnight, so why do you expect to lose it that quickly? Sustainable results take time and consistent effort. We all have bad days though, so don't beat yourself up about it. Write that day off and get back on track the following day. Don't write the whole week off and 'start again on Monday'. The sooner you get back on track, the better you will feel.

Your habits and behaviours are reliable. They're things you do every day, mostly without consciously needing to think about them. Motivation is not reliable. It comes and goes as it pleases.

It's also not my job to motivate you. My role as a coach is to hold you accountable, educate you, and guide you towards your goals. I can't be with you 24/7, motivating you to go home and cook a nutritious meal instead of going to the McDonald's drive-thru for dinner. We can put all the building blocks in place when we're together, and you may leave a session feeling more motivated than when you arrived, but it's up to you to follow through on the things we've discussed and put in place as that is what will get you to your goal.

So, f*ck motivation, you don't need it. Work on building the habits and behaviours that will get you want you want.

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The Paddocks, Potton, Bedfordshire, SG19 2QD

07809 219 883

Opening hours:
Mon - Fri: 8am - 7pm
Sat: 8am - 1pm

Sun: Closed

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