Since I’ve started my Circuit Training classes, I’ve been getting some feedback from both people who have attended and from those who haven’t. When I’ve had conversations with people about coming to the class, I’ve mostly been asked to clarify exactly what Circuit Training is. I then ask these people what they think of when I say Circuit Training. For some, it has connotations of being like a military boot camp. A drill instructor shouting and screaming at you if you don’t keep up or get something wrong. Hundreds of Burpees as punishments. For others, it sounds like something only elite athletes can do. Not suitable for your average Joe, who would be massively out of his or her depth even attempting something as complicated as Circuit Training. Both of these thoughts could not be further than the truth! Here’s why. Circuit Training is a series of exercises set out around the hall (called stations, there is usually between 8 – 12) and completed one after another in sequence. Time on each station varies, but I find that 45 seconds works well for most abilities. You then have 15 seconds to move on to the next station. Where you start another 45 seconds work. It really is that simple! The beauty of training this way is it does not matter what age, size, ability, gender etc you are. You work at your own pace on each of the exercises for the set time, then move on to the next one. I’ve had a lady with back problems and a gentlemen with minimal use in one arm both complete circuits with no issues. There is no need to “keep up” with anyone else. Just do what you can do. All I ask from each participant is they try their best. You only get out of the class what you put in, so put in as much as you can! Also, each exercise is adaptable. If there is something you really struggle to do, there will be a way to make it easier or an alternative available. Likewise, if you want to challenge yourself, there will be a more difficult way of doing the exercise as well! There are brief rest periods built into the circuits, either as a group or individually on rest stations so will have time to catch your breath and have a drink. But the idea of this type of training is to keep your heart rate high, thereby increasing your metabolism and burning that fat away! As well as burning up to 500 calories while you’re in the class, it boosts your metabolism for up to 48 hours afterwards, keeping that fat burning going long after you’ve finished exercising. Circuit Training isn’t just for burning fat though. It is a combination of exercises which will improve your strength, endurance and power as well as helping with your overall mood and energy levels. Some exercises even test your mind as well! It really is the ultimate total workout. Although I’m sure somewhere there are Circuit Training classes conducted in a very strict military style, most are not. Mine certainly isn’t! I motivate, encourage and correct where necessary, but all in the most constructive way I can. I want you to enjoy yourself and come back again next week, and I don’t think shouting at my customers is not the best way to encourage that! So why not give it a go? Whether you haven’t exercised in a long time, or are fit as a fiddle, everyone is welcome! And for only £5, the price isn’t bad either!
Wednesday evenings from 7:15pm at Biggleswade Recreation Centre, Eagle Farm Road, SG18 8JB. I look forward to seeing you there!